承担的科研项目 |
1. 江苏省常州市人才工作领导小组办公室和常州市人力资源和社会保障局, “龙城英才计划”第十七批领军人才创业类项目, 94, 甲壳素的研究与生产以及在农业领域的运用,在研, 主持; 2.农业部华中作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室/农作物重大病虫草害防控湖北省重点实验室开放课题,2022ZTSJJ7,维德曼芽胞杆菌ZZQ-15中杀线虫毒力因子挖掘,在研,主持; 3. suncitygroup太阳集团, 引进(培养)人才科研启动项目, 2021RZ038, 贾氏根瘤菌毒素RgC杀线虫分子机制研究,在研, 主持; 4. suncitygroup太阳集团, 校立科研项目, 2021Y10, 新疆塔里木盆地Bt资源及其杀虫蛋白多样性研究,在研, 主持; 5. 国家自然科学基金委员会联合基金项目,苏云金芽胞杆菌防控植物寄生线虫的分子与生态机制,U20A2040,在研,骨干成员; 6. 农业部“948”重点项目,高效新型微生物资源引进与创新,2011-G25和2016-X21,已结题,骨干成员; 7. 国家自然科学基金委员会青年项目,粪产碱菌杀线虫活性物质挖掘及作用线虫方式研究,31600006,已结题,骨干成员; 8. 博士后特别资助,地衣芽胞杆菌环二肽cyclo(Leu-Leu)杀线虫机制研究,2019T120669,已结题,主持; 9. 博士后面上项目,图瓦永芽胞杆菌中杀线虫毒力因子的鉴定及作用机制解析,2017M622473,已结题,主持; 10. 湖北省博士后科技活动项目择优资助,芽胞杆菌中杀线虫环二肽多样性及其杀虫机制研究,Z43,已结题,主持; 11. 华中农业大学“博士研究生创新研究工程项目”,通过高通量基因组测序的方法研究芽胞杆菌杀线虫的特征,52902-0900205216,已结题,主持。 |
代表性论文与著作 |
1. Xiaojie Lan, Qi Wang, Tingjue Wu, Na Li, Hongxun Wang, and Ziqiang Zheng*. Draft genome sequence of Bacillus wiedmannii Biovar thuringiensis ZZQ-138, isolated from a saline lake, Microbiology Resource Announcements, 2022, 11(2): e0096421. 2. Ziqiang Zheng*, Xiaojie Lan, Qi Wang, Chengjun Zhang, Guoqiang Huang, Jianping Zhang, and Hongxun Wang. Draft genome sequence of Bacillus thuringiensis ZZQ-130 with multiple pesticidal genes, isolated from Caka salt lake, China. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 2022, 11(2): e0088721. 3. Ziqiang Zheng, Yulan Zhang, Zhiyu Liu, Zhaoxia Dong, Chuanshuai Xie, Alejandra Bravo, Mario Soberón, Jacques Mahillon, Ming Sun*, and Donghai Peng*. (2020) The CRISPR-Cas systems were selectively inactivated during evolution of Bacillus cereus group for adaptation to diverse environments. ISME J 14(6): 1479-1493. 4. Ziqiang Zheng, Jinshui Zheng, Zhengming Zhang, Donghai Peng, and Ming Sun*. (2016) Nematicidal spore-forming Bacilli share similar virulence factors and mechanisms. Sci Rep 6: 31341. 5. Ziqiang Zheng, Jinshui Zheng, Hualin Liu, Donghai Peng, and Ming Sun*. (2016) Complete genome sequence of Fictibacillus phosphorivorans G25-29, a strain toxic to nematodes. J Biotechnol 239: 20-22. 6. Ziqiang Zheng, Jinshui Zheng, Donghai Peng, and Ming Sun*. (2017) Complete genome sequence of Fictibacillus arsenicus G25-54, a strain with toxicity to nematodes. J Biotechnol 241: 98-100. 7. Shouyong Ju, Jinshui Zheng, Jian Lin, Ce Geng, Lei Zhu, Ziyu Guan, Ziqiang Zheng, and Ming Sun*. (2016) The complete genome sequence of Alcaligenes faecalis ZD02, a novel potential bionematocide. J Biotechnol 218: 73-74. 8. Zhen-yu Zhang, Muhammad Fahim Raza, Ziqiang Zheng, Xuhao Zhang, Xinxin Dong, and Hongyu Zhang*. (2018) Complete genome sequence of Bacillus velezensis ZY-1-1 reveals the genetic basis for its hemicellulosic/cellulosic substrate-inducible xylanase and cellulase activities. 3 Biotech 8: 465. |