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来源: suncitygroup太阳集团 武汉工业学院生物与制药工程学院 时间:2011年03月11日 00:00 编辑: 点击:

姓名 闫达中

办公地址: suncitygroup太阳集团食品科技楼619



闫达中,理学博士,教授。硕士生导师,俄罗斯普希诺国家自然科学院PushchinoStateInstitute ofNaturalSciences(Russian Federation)外聘博士生导师,美国康奈尔大学访问学者。现在suncitygroup太阳集团从事科研和教学工作。主要从事微生物代谢的分子机制,酶工程和生物转化方面的研究。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,参与国家自然科学基金面上项目2项,主持湖北省科技厅面上项目和教育厅基金项目各1项,主持企业横向合作项目共8项。发表文章四十余篇,其中SCI收录31篇。申请专利6项,参编教材5部。开发过纳豆激酶、木聚糖酶、b-甘露聚糖酶、黄嘌呤氧化酶、环己胺氧化酶、甜蛋白monellin等,其中有些酶制剂产品已经在企业生产。






2015年8月-2016年8月: 康奈尔大学(Cornell University)访问学者,研究氯霉素的微生物降解分子机理。



1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,菌株Raoultellasp. YL01降解棉酚的代谢途径及分子机制研究(32070098),2021/01-2024/12,58万元,进行,主持。


3.国家自然科学基金青年项目,印染厂活性污泥宏基因文库中脱色酶的克隆及其脱色机理的研究(31800111), 2019/01-2021/12, 25万,完成,参与。


5. 湖北省重点研发计划项目,绿色生物高分子絮凝剂制备关键技术研究与示范(2022BCA075),2022/7-2024/12,100万,在研,参与。

6. 湖北省食药资源与健康食品创新平台(2019ZYYD032),100万,已验收,参与。

7.菊粉益生元健康食品全产业链关键技术开发及应用,2018020402011230,201802-202102, 20万,完成,参与。

8.湖北省自然科学基金项目,2008CDB067,氯氰菊酯的微生物降解途径和机理研究,2008/12-2012/12, 2万,完成,主持。


10.湖北省自然科学基金项目, 2014CFC1133,宏基因组中脱色酶基因资源的挖掘与分子改造, 2014/01-2017/12,1万,完成,参与。

11.湖北省教育厅科技计划项目,D20121808,高胆固醇负荷通过UPR途径诱导肝细胞炎性损伤机制研究,2012/01-2014/12, 2万,完成,参与。




1.Chen J, Zhao S, Gan Y, Wu J, Dai J, Chao HJ,Yan D*. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane inhibits soil ammonia oxidation by altering ammonia-oxidizing archaeal and bacterial communities. Environ Pollut. 2023 333:122063.

2.Chen S, Zhang W, Zhang H, Cui Y, Wang F, Wu J, Chao H,Yan D*. The Complete Genome Sequence of a Gossypol-Degrading Bacterial Strain,Raoultellasp. YL01. Curr Microbiol. 2023,80(5):163.

3. Ning SB, Chao HJ, Li SL, Zhou R, Zou L, Zhang X, Liu J,Yan DZ*, Duan MJ* The auto-inhibition mechanism of transcription factor Ets-1 induced by phosphorylation on the intrinsically disordered region. Comput Struct Biotec, 2022, 20: 1132-1141

4.Li X,YangHQ, ZhouML, ZhanYY, LiuJ,YanDZ*,Cai DB, ChenSW*.A novel strategy of feeding nitrate for cost-effective production ofpoly-γ-glutamic acid from crude glycerol byBacillus licheniformisWX-02. Biochem Eng J, 2021,176: 108156

5.Tang K, Cui Y, Xiao J, Ding M, Chao H, Wu J, Han Z, Liu J, Li X,Yan DZ*. Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel xylanase fromMicrobacterium imperialeYD-01. J Food Biochem. 2021 ,45(12):e13988.

6.ChenYY, LiY, ChaoHJ,WuJ, ZhuWJ, FangT, GaoXW,YanDZ*.Molecular cloning and characterisation of a novel xanthine oxidase fromCellulosimicrobium cellulansATCC21606. Process Biochem. 2020, 91: 65-72

7.NingSB,LiuJ,LiuN*,YanDZ*. The accuracy of force fields on the simulation of intrinsically disordered proteins: a benchmark test on the human p53 tumor suppressor, Journal of Theo Comput Chem, 2020. 19(4): 2050011

8.ChenS, FengH, LiX, ChaoHJ,WuJ, LiuJ,ZhuWJ,YanDZ*. The complete genome sequence of a bacterial strain with high alkalic xylanase activity isolated from the sludge near a papermill. Curr Microbiol. 2020, 77(12):3945–3952.

9.Liu J, Han Q, Cheng Q, Chen Y, Wang R, Li X, Liu Y,Yan D*. Efficient expression of human lysozyme through the increased gene dosage and co-expression of transcription factor Hac1p inPichia pastoris. Curr Microbiol. 2020 . 77(5): 846-854

10. Chao HJ, Chen YY, Wu J,Yan DZ*, Zhou NY. Complete genome sequence of a chlorobenzene degrader,Pandoraea pnomenusaMCB032. Curr Microbiol. 2019, 76(11):1235-1237

11.Zhou H, Han ZG, Fang T, Chen YY, Ning SB, Gan YT,Yan DZ*. Characterization of anewcyclohexylamineoxidasefromAcinetobactersp. YT-02. Front Microbiol. 2018, 9: 2848.

12Yan DZ, Gan YT, Zhou H, Liu J, Li X. Draft genome sequence of cyclohexylamine-degrading strainAcinetobactersp. YT-02 isolated. Curr Microbiol. 2018, 75(3):284-287.

13.Yan DZ*, Li X, Li CZ, Mao LQ, Chi XQ, Zhou NY, Liu DY. Genome-wide identification and characterization of genes encoding cyclohexylamine degradation in a novel cyclohexylamine-degrading bacterial strain ofPseudomonas plecoglossicidaNyZ12. J Biotechnol, 2017, 251:166-173.

14.Li X, Li CZ, Mao LQ,Yan DZ*, Zhou NY. Complete genome sequence of the cyclohexylamine-degradingPseudomonas plecoglossicidaNyZ12.J Biotechnol. 2015, 199: 29-30.

15.Liu J,Yan DZ*, Zhao SJ. Expression of monellin in a food-grade delivery system inSaccharomyces cerevisiae. J Sci Food Agr, 2015, 95(13): 2646–2651.

16.Yan DZ, Mao LQ, Li CZ, Liu J. Biodegradation of hexachlorobenzene by a constructed microbial consortium. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2015,31(2) : 371-377.

17.Yan DZ, Kang JX, Liu DQ . Genomic analysis of the aromatic catabolic pathways fromSilicibacter pomeroyiDSS-3. Ann Microbiol, 2009, 59 (4): 789-800.

18.Yan DZ, Liu H, Zhou NY. Conversion ofSphingobium chlorophenolicumATCC 39723 to a hexachlorobenzene degrader by metabolic engineering. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2006, 72(3):2283-2286.


1.Xiang Y, Xiong JX, Xie ZF, Huang D, Song Q, Wu J,Yan D, Chao HJ. The XylR/NtrC-type regulator CbsR positively regulates upstream pathway of chlorobenzene degradation inPandoraea pnomenusa. J Appl Microbiol. 2023,134(4):lxad064.

2Yao NH, Du YN, Xiong JX, Xiao Y, He HH, Xie ZF, Huang D, Song Q, Chen J,Yan D, Chao HJ. Microbial detoxification of 3,5-xylenol via a novel process with sequential methyl oxidation byRhodococcussp. CHJ602. Environ Res. 2023 220:115258.

3Yao NH, Liu X, Luo CY, Zou L, Li JH,Chen J,Yan D, Chao HJ.Methylhydroxylase encoded bymchAB gene is involved in methyl oxidation of m-cresolvia Comamonas thiooxydansCHJ601. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2023, 179: 105583.

4 Zou L, Li S, Li N, Ruan SL, Chen J, Wu J,Yan D, Chao HJ. The Protocatechuate 3,4-Dioxygenase Solubility (PCDS) Tag Enhances the Expression and Solubility of Heterogenous Proteins inEscherichia coli. Front Microbiol. 2021, 12:779541.

5.Huang L, Luo D, Gondil VS, Gong Y, Jia M,Yan D, He J, Hu S*, Yang H*, Wei H*. Construction and characterization of a chimeric lysin ClyV with improved bactericidal activity againstStreptococcus agalactiaein vitro andin vivo. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 2020, 104(4):1609-1619.

6. Tao W, Chen L, Zhao C, Wu J,Yan D, Deng Z, Sun Y. In Vitro Packaging Mediated One-Step Targeted Cloning of Natural Product Pathway.ACS SynthBiol. 2019, 8(9): 1991-1997.

7. Zhu W*, Xu X, Peng F,Yan DZ, Zhang S, Xu R, Wu J, Li X, Wei W, Chen W. The cyclase-associated protein ChCAP is important for regulation of hyphal growth, appressorial development, penetration, pathogenicity, conidiation, intracellular cAMP level, and stress tolerance inColletotrichum higginsianum. Plant Sci. 2019, 283: 1-10.

8. Zhu W, Dong H, Xu R, You J,Yan DZ, Xiong C, Wu J, Bi K.Botrytis cinereaBcCDI1 protein triggers both plant cell death and immune response. Front Plant Sci. 2023 , 14:1136463.

9. Yao X, Lu B, Lü C, Bai Q,Yan D, Xu H. Taraxerol induces cell apoptosis through A mitochondria-mediated pathway in HeLa cells. Cell J. 2017, 19(3): 512-519

10. Yao X, Lu B, Lü C, Bai Q,Yan D, Wu Y, Hong Z, Xu H. Solanesol induces the expression of heme oxygenase-1 via p38 and Akt and suppresses the production of proinflammatory cytokines in RAW264.7 cells. Food Funct. 2017, 8(1): 132-141.

11. Yao X, Bai Q,Yan D, Li G, Lü C, Xu H. Solanesol protects human hepatic L02 cells from ethanol-induced oxidative injury via upregulation of HO-1 and Hsp70. Toxicol In Vitro. 2015,29(3):600-608.

12.ShenY,YanDZ,ChiXQ,YangYY,LeakDJ,ZhouNY. Degradation of cyclohexylamine by a new isolate ofPseudomonas plecoglossicida.World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 2008, 24: 1623-1625.

13. Xu Y,Yan DZ, Zhou NY. Heterologous expression and localization of gentisate transporter Ncg12922 fromCorynebacterium glutamicumATCC 13032. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.2006, 346(2): 555-561.


1.闫达中;耐热碱性木聚糖酶基因xylGT优化序列及其高效表达方法, 2018-02-23, ZL 201410679215.0. 授权号:CN104450758B

2.闫达中;可用于临床检测的黄嘌呤氧化酶、其编码基因及其应用, 2020-03-20,ZL201710262579.2授权号:CN107119059B

3.闫达中,晁红军,吴菁,李柔柔。产果胶酶芽孢杆菌及其发酵方法、以及胡椒脱皮的方法. 2022-07-22 专利号:ZL202110288142.2 授权号:CN113151055 B


2023-04-25 专利号:ZL202111409381.5授权公告号:CN114085823B


20230516专利号:ZL202210260785.0 授权公告号:CN 114958644B




